Any way to capture links similarly to the way Things does?

Things allowed me to not think between capturing a new task and capturing a link to whatever current had the focus. E.g. in Safari it would automatically add a link to the current web page; in Mail, it would capture a link to the current email; and if it couldn’t work out a link it just allowed me to create a new task. The system text service is interesting but not particularly useful not just because it requires me to highlight some text but also because I need to remember two different shortcuts. Is there any way of improving this experience?

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There is an OmniFocus safari extension here App Store link there is also an OF bookmark I on Colter Reeds site

As for mail you can drag it into OF or if you use MailMate on the Mac they have a send to OF “bundle”. Spark mail has something to do this as well if your ok with 3rd party services

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Not exactly what you are asking for, but you could in Safari for Mac also click on the Share button. In that case you don’t have to select any text on the web page.

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Excellent. Thank you. I’ll check all of these out.

You can also just use the shortcut that you have created in System Preferences > Keyboard > Services > OmniFocus 3 to send items to your inbox (I have cmd-shift o = send to omnifocus; this opens a dialogue in which you can assign projects, tags, due date). This works in Mail, Safari, Chrome, …

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AFAICT that only works if I select some text.

It works with an entire message in Mail’s Inbox; it works with web addresses in the web address bar in Safari, Chrome. I do not know Things very well (used it briefly, but it was not for me), so maybe what you want is different from that?

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