Anyone have any experience with the Omnigroup software?

I’ve been doing the trial of OmniFocus and really like it. However, not having it accessible via Cloud or non-iOS devices bothers me some. Sarkari Result

I need a Visio replacement and OmniGraffle Pro appears to do the trick. Are there alternatives to consider?

OmniOutliner is not something I was looking for but thought it might help me organize some projects and could definitely help my children in their school work. Pnr Status

OmniPlan looks to be a good replacement for MS Project…I only question how useful this will be with the number of people on the Agile buzzword/bandwagon.

This forum is for users of Omni software—all of the above. Your specific questions might be better directed to the appropriate categories for each app (you’ve posted in the OmniFocus category here).

As per your first question, Omni has just released a subscription-based web view for OmniFocus.

Omni Presence is a free cloud capability designed by Omni for their products. I have Omni Focus on an iMac, a MacBook Pro, iPad and iPhone. It is pretty much bulletproof and highly performant.

The new web based solution could solve your non Apple device issues. It is designed as an adjunct to the Mac ecosystem, but that said it is a very effective one.

I would direct your OmniGraffle and OmniPlan queries at the users in those categories. I am a rank amateur at OG, but it is easy to use and extremely powerful. I never climbed the Visio learning curve. I have no experience of OmniPlan but I think Agile teams should be planned! I bought OmniOutliner because it is neat, and use it in all sorts of ways I never thought I would.

Good luck with your evaluation, and ping the Omni support desk. They will sort your Qs out.

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