API for OmniFocus on iOS to return today’s tasks?

I think the answer is “no” but is there a programmatic way on iOS to retrieve today’s tasks in OmniFocus?

More generally a query API for OmniFocus to retrieve lists of tasks?

I want to create a Drafts or Scriptable or Shortcuts action to retrieve today’s tasks and create a draft with them in - plus calendar entries.

Calendar entries I think are doable.

The overarching idea is to prime my journal draft - which I automatically create each morning - with what I should be doing in the day.

Alternative methods - kicked off from within OmniFocus - might work well enough. E.g. sharing today’s tasks into a Shortcuts action.

The short answer is no, from my own investigations. Both JXA and OmniFocus for the Web might lead to this kind of feature, though whose to say where it is on the roadmap!

Thinking off the top of my head…

How about creating a today custom perspective and copy the tasks from that perspective to the clipboard. Then manipulate the text in the clipboard to fit your formatting needs. Then paste the newly revised clipboard to the journal?

This sounds like something for AppleScript or Workflow or Keyboard Maestro.

That would, I think, be a Mac OS solution.

I’m not averse to that, of course. I guess the first step is working out how to get the details out of that view.

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