Apple Watch and OF 4.0.2

I upgraded from OF 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 this morning on my iPhone 14 Pro Max (iOS 17.2.1) and OF “disappeared” from my Apple Watch Ultra 2 (watchOS 10.2). I had to uninstall then reinstall OF on the Apple Watch.

Just posting this here in case anyone else has this happen. I have reported this to

I’m sorry to hear that! I hope this isn’t a common issue, for you or anyone else!

Unfortunately, we don’t have any control or insight into when the App Store installs or updates our app on your watch. The only control we have on our end is to upload new versions to the App Store (which we do by embedding the watch app within our iPhone app, as we’ve done since the beginning). It’s then up to the App Store to update it on your device at a time of its choosing.

I hope this behaves more reasonably for you going forward! But if does happen again, and especially if you notice a pattern, I recommend reporting the issue to Apple so they can try to improve future versions of the App Store.

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As a matter of interest, what are 4.0.1 and 4.0.2? I don’t see them on the TestFlight beta.

We haven’t updated the TestFlight since 4.0 shipped. The latest update of the shipping release (currently 4.0.2) can be found on the App Store:

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I figured it was App Store related. I just wanted to share my experience with the community.

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Thanks Ken!

Here’s to some tasty new betas in 2024.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

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