Arrowhead with filled arrow and filled ball


I’d like to have an arrow head that consists of a Filled Arrow followed by a Filled Ball.

I’ve tried to group two arrows together and put them in a stencil, but it does not work. The arrows seems to be working too independently of each other.

Any clues?


Hi again,

I did some searching and found something about changing the shapes.graffleshapes file.

It is located in the Contents/Frameworks/Graffleshapes.framework/Resources directory of the file.

I added this at the bottom of the file - inside the arrowheads = ( … ) block:

    Filled = YES;
    Gap = 0.0;
    LineGap = 1.8;
    Name = FilledArrowBall;
    Path = {
        elements = (
             {element = MOVETO; point = "{5.12132, 0.0}"; },
            {element = LINETO; point = "{13.12132, 3}"; },
            {element = LINETO; point = "{13.12132, -3}"; },
            {element = LINETO; point = "{5.12132, 0.0}";},

            {element = MOVETO; point = "{5.12132, -2.12132}"; },
                control1 = "{6.29289, -0.949747}";
                control2 = "{6.29289, 0.949747}";
                element = CURVETO;
                point = "{5.12132, 2.12132}";
                control1 = "{3.94975, 3.29289}";
                control2 = "{2.05025, 3.29289}";
                element = CURVETO;
                point = "{0.87868, 2.12132}";
                control1 = "{-0.292893, 0.949747}";
                control2 = "{-0.292893, -0.949747}";
                element = CURVETO;
                point = "{0.87868, -2.12132}";
                control1 = "{2.05025, -3.29289}";
                control2 = "{3.94975, -3.29289}";
                element = CURVETO;
                point = "{5.12132, -2.12132}";
  Width = 14;
  ShouldExport = YES;

It does what I need it to do.

I have uploaded it in the stencil Visual Erlang, which only contains one line, but it ensures that the FilledArrowBall arrowhead becomes available.

And do make a copy of the whole thing before you start tampering with it!
