Automation - Parent and child summary

So I’m very new to omni outliner. But want to use it as the following:

  • create and outline
  • run an automation where it adds all the number of children to the parent line example

parent1 - 2

Any example so that or even a tutorial to get started with the automation or even documents with examples would be helpful…

Lots of examples at

Also see this thread for simple examples of things that can be done that are immediately useful.


All descendants (grandchildren and beyond) ?

  • Leaf counts ? (3, for Alpha, in the example below :: [Delta, Epsilon Gamma])
  • Descendant node counts ? (4, for Alpha, in the same example)
  • Immediate children only ? (2, for Alpha, below)
- Alpha
    - Beta
        - Delta
        - Epsilon
    - Gamma 

Here is an example which adds three different descendant counts (for the selected row).

(In this version it adds them as column values).

There are a number of different approaches, but I personally use a general-purpose foldTree function for any kind of bottom-to-top counting or summation which produces a single summary value for a whole nested structure like an outline.

It looks like this:

// foldTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b
const foldTree = f => {
    // A summary value obtained 
    // by a depth-first fold.
    const go = tree => f(tree.root)(
    return go;

and it assumes that the tree structure has been wrapped up in a standard format with each parent node connected to a (possibly empty) list of its child nodes. The ‘constructor’ which I use to manufacture these nodes looks like this:

// Node :: a -> [Tree a] -> Tree a
const Node = v =>
    // Constructor for a Tree node which connects a
    // value of some kind to a list of zero or
    // more child trees.
    xs => ({
        type: 'Node',
        root: v,
        nest: xs || []

We can wrap up the sub-tree of an OmniOutliner row in a nest of these nodes with this function:

// pureTreeOO :: OOItem  -> Tree OOItem
const pureTreeOO = item => {
    const go = x =>
        Node(x)(x.hasChildren ? : []);
    return go(item);

Once the sub-tree of a selected row has been captured in a standard Tree structure of these nested node objects, we can get various kinds of sum by writing things like this:

    row = selectedItems[0],
    tree = pureTreeOO(row),
    childCount = tree.nest.length,
    leafCount = 0 < childCount ? (
            _ => xs => 0 !== xs.length ? (
            ) : 1
    ) : 0,
    descendantCount = 0 < childCount ? (
            _ => xs => 1 + sum(xs)
    ) : 0;

and we could either add one or more of these values to the .topic string of the selected row, or add them as separate column values.

To create or find a numeric column with a given name:

// columnFoundOrCreated :: [Column] ->
// Column.Type -> String -> Column
const columnFoundOrCreated = editor => outline =>
    type => name => {
            columns = outline.columns,
            iFound = columns.findIndex(
                col => (type === col.type) && (
                    name === col.title
        return -1 !== iFound ? (
        ) : outline.addColumn(
            col => col.title = name

and to assign a value to a column entry for a given row:

row.setValueForColumn(n, col)

Pulling it all together, to add counts to columns (for selected rows) in this kind of pattern:

We could write something like the source code (for a file with an .omnijs extension), behind the disclosure triangle below:

JS Source
    "author": "Rob Trew",
    "targets": ["omnioutliner"],
    "type": "action",
    "identifier": "com.robtrew.nodecounts",
    "version": "0.1",
    "description": "Updated columns of child, descendant, and leaf counts",
    "label": "nodeCounts",
    "mediumLabel": "nodeCounts",
    "paletteLabel": "nodeCounts",
(() => Object.assign(
    new PlugIn.Action(selection => {
        const main = () => {

                outline = selection.outline,
                editor = selection.editor,
                selectedItems = selection.items;

            return 0 < selectedItems.length ? (
                (() => {
                        row = selectedItems[0],
                        tree = pureTreeOO(row),
                        childCount = tree.nest.length,
                        leafCount = 0 < childCount ? (
                                _ => xs => 0 !== xs.length ? (
                                ) : 1
                        ) : 0,
                        descendantCount = foldTree(
                            _ => xs => 1 + sum(xs)
                        )(tree) - 1;

                        zipWith(columnName => n => {
                                col = columnFoundOrCreated(
                            return (
                                row.setValueForColumn(n, col),
                                [columnName, n]
                            'Children', 'Leaves', 'Descendants'
                            childCount, leafCount, descendantCount
            ) : (
                new Alert(
                    'Count of descendants',
                    '\nSelect a row in OmniOutliner, and try again.'

        // ----------- OMNIOUTLINER FUNCTIONS ------------

        // pureTreeOO :: OOItem  -> Tree OOItem
        const pureTreeOO = item => {
            const go = x =>
                Node(x)(x.hasChildren ? : []);
            return go(item);

        // columnFoundOrCreated :: [Column] ->
        // Column.Type -> String -> Column
        const columnFoundOrCreated = editor => outline =>
            type => name => {
                    columns = outline.columns,
                    iFound = columns.findIndex(
                        col => (type === col.type) && (
                            name === col.title
                return -1 !== iFound ? (
                ) : outline.addColumn(
                    col => col.title = name

        // ------------------- GENERIC -------------------

        // Node :: a -> [Tree a] -> Tree a
        const Node = v =>
            // Constructor for a Tree node which connects a
            // value of some kind to a list of zero or
            // more child trees.
            xs => ({
                type: 'Node',
                root: v,
                nest: xs || []

        // foldTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b
        const foldTree = f => {
            // A summary value obtained 
            // by a depth-first fold.
            const go = tree => f(tree.root)(
            return go;

        // length :: [a] -> Int
        const length = xs =>
            // Returns Infinity over objects without finite
            // length. This enables zip and zipWith to choose
            // the shorter argument when one is non-finite,
            // like cycle, repeat etc
            'GeneratorFunction' !== xs.constructor
   ? (
            ) : Infinity;

        // showLog :: a -> IO ()
        const showLog = (...args) =>
                .join(' -> ')

        // sum :: [Num] -> Num
        const sum = xs =>
            // The numeric sum of all values in xs.
            xs.reduce((a, x) => a + x, 0);

        // take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
        // take :: Int -> String -> String
        const take = n =>
            // The first n elements of a list,
            // string of characters, or stream.
            xs => 'GeneratorFunction' !== xs
   ? (
                xs.slice(0, n)
            ) : [].concat.apply([], Array.from({
                length: n
            }, () => {
                const x =;
                return x.done ? [] : [x.value];

        // zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
        const zipWith = f =>
            // A list constructed by zipping with a
            // custom function, rather than with the
            // default tuple constructor.
            xs => ys => ((xs_, ys_) => {
                const lng = Math.min(length(xs_), length(ys_));
                return take(lng)(xs_).map(
                    (x, i) => f(x)(ys_[i])
            })(xs, ys);

        // MAIN ---
    }), {
        validate: selection => true

and for other routes to such counts through API methods:

  • item.descendants.length
  • item.leaves.length
  • item.children.length

So, again in full:

JS Source B
    "author": "Rob Trew",
    "targets": ["omnioutliner"],
    "type": "action",
    "identifier": "com.robtrew.nodecountsB",
    "version": "0.1",
    "description": "Updated columns of child, descendant, and leaf counts",
    "label": "nodeCountsB",
    "mediumLabel": "nodeCountsB",
    "paletteLabel": "nodeCountsB",
(() => Object.assign(
    new PlugIn.Action(selection => {
        const main = () => {

                editor = selection.editor,
                outline = selection.outline, 
                selectedItems = selection.items;

            return 0 < selectedItems.length ? (
                (() => {
                        row = selectedItems[0],
                        childCount = row.children.length,
                        leafCount = row.leaves.length,
                        descendantCount = row.descendants.length;

                        zipWith(columnName => n => {
                                col = columnFoundOrCreated(
                            return (
                                row.setValueForColumn(n, col),
                                [columnName, n]
                            'Children', 'Leaves', 'Descendants'
                            childCount, leafCount, descendantCount
            ) : (
                new Alert(
                    'Count of descendants',
                    '\nSelect a row in OmniOutliner, and try again.'

        // ----------- OMNIOUTLINER FUNCTIONS ------------

        // columnFoundOrCreated :: [Column] ->
        // Column.Type -> String -> Column
        const columnFoundOrCreated = editor => outline =>
            type => name => {
                    columns = outline.columns,
                    iFound = columns.findIndex(
                        col => (type === col.type) && (
                            name === col.title
                return -1 !== iFound ? (
                ) : outline.addColumn(
                    col => col.title = name

        // ------------------- GENERIC -------------------

        // length :: [a] -> Int
        const length = xs =>
            // Returns Infinity over objects without finite
            // length. This enables zip and zipWith to choose
            // the shorter argument when one is non-finite,
            // like cycle, repeat etc
            'GeneratorFunction' !== xs.constructor
   ? (
            ) : Infinity;

        // take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
        // take :: Int -> String -> String
        const take = n =>
            // The first n elements of a list,
            // string of characters, or stream.
            xs => 'GeneratorFunction' !== xs
   ? (
                xs.slice(0, n)
            ) : [].concat.apply([], Array.from({
                length: n
            }, () => {
                const x =;
                return x.done ? [] : [x.value];

        // zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
        const zipWith = f =>
            // A list constructed by zipping with a
            // custom function, rather than with the
            // default tuple constructor.
            xs => ys => ((xs_, ys_) => {
                const lng = Math.min(length(xs_), length(ys_));
                return take(lng)(xs_).map(
                    (x, i) => f(x)(ys_[i])
            })(xs, ys);

        // MAIN ---
    }), {
        validate: selection => true

Installing an .omnijs action:

  • Save the source code in a file with the extension .omnijs
  • in the Omni app, open Automation > Configure...
  • drag the .omnijs file onto the window which appears.

Using the action:

Two options:

  1. The action, once installed, appears by name in the apps Automation menu
  2. You can optionally Ctrl-click the (app or Console window) toolbar and then
    • choose Customize Toolbar,
    • visually hunt for a green icon with the name of the action,
    • drag it onto the toolbar, where it can be clicked whenever you need it.