Backups - Dragging Projects to Current Database

In OF1, I believe you could open up a backup database and drag content from the backup to a current database. I can’t seem to do that with OF2. Am I mistaken about this? Was dragging from an old to a new removed?

For now, I’m able to copy a project and paste it to a current database.

Hmm… I can drag a project from a backup to the main database. Perhaps there’s a specific bug to investigate? Please send email with more specifics?

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I just tried again, and I got a different result. My entire database is organized in two folders. I can’t drag backup projects into either folder. I can do it if it’s outside of the folders. Is this normal?

I don’t know if it’s expected, but I am seeing the same behavior. Could you please write in to

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I sent this thread to the email address since all of the details are here.