I have a problem that I see two OF icons in my Dock, one where I’ve placed it, the other at the far right.
When I try to enter a new item or want to save it I get the information “application blocked by other app”. When I try to quit the app it doesn’t work.
I want to add that it apparently happens when I send a website (address) from Safari via the share button to omnifocus.
Any ideas?
It sounds like there are currently two copies of the app installed: the copy you normally keep on your dock, and the copy Safari found when it wanted to open the app.
You can Command-Click on each of those app icons to open a Finder window and reveal where that copy of the app is located. Pick the copy of the app you’d like to keep, and pick the one you’d like to delete.
Quit both copies of the app. (If one isn’t responding, try quitting the other one first. If both apps are stuck, choose Force Quit by using Control-Option-Click on the app icon.)
Drag the copy you’d like to keep into the right position on your dock, and drag the other copy to the Trash so other apps like Safari won’t try to open it.
Now open the copy on your dock, and test sending a website from Safari to OmniFocus.
Does that help?
Thank you, kcase,
I forced quit both versions. What didn’t work was to find the two versions in the finder. There was a hang up of the Finder. After restarting the Mac I had no more trouble so far. Should I run into the same problem again, I will follow your guidance.