Boilerplate Text in Notes

Is there a way, such as a script, to add the same boilerplate text to every note of every item in an outline? I am using Omnioutliner 5. How hard would such a script be to write?

One way to place the boilerplate text in every note of every item would be to do this:

set boilerPlate to "My boilerplate text"
tell application "OmniOutliner"'s front document
	repeat with r in rows
		set r's note to boilerPlate
	end repeat
end tell

To append the boilerplate to anything that is already in a note you could do something like this:

set boilerPlate to "My added text"
tell application "OmniOutliner"'s front document
	repeat with r in rows
		set r's note to r's note & " " & boilerPlate
	end repeat
end tell


Thank you SG
