On some web pages (mostly, if not all online banking pages) clicking on some specific buttons (typically to download a PDF or to display it in a new window) has no effect at all; if you Command-click, a new window opens with exactly the same content as the original window where you clicked on the button.
This seems to stem from a specific kind of JavaScript code connected to the button.
Unfortunately, since it’s always online banking pages where I encounter this, I cannot provide a link to a page which displays this problem.
However, if it’s not already clear from this description, I could upload the page source of such a page – but I’d need to know where to upload it to.
I think I’ve seen this on some sites as well, but it’s been a while and I don’t remember where. A copy of the page’s source (and referenced JavaScript) would be useful. (Maybe send it as a .webarchive?)
Please email it to omniweb@omnigroup.com to start a support ticket, referencing this forum thread so our support humans know to bring it to my attention.