Whenever I try to edit bookmarks OmniWeb 6 now slows down to a crawl and the memory usage goes way up. Clicking on any of the items under Collections does this immediately as does clicking on any of the expand triangles “>”. This used to work but has been broken for at least a couple of months. If there is a work-around let me know, else please fix it as soon as you can, thanks!
We do have an open bug regarding the performance issue, but OmniWeb is a side project of our CEO (typically during vacations), and he’s currently hard at work on some of our other applications; iOS 9 and El Capitan are coming soon. He still uses OmniWeb every day (as do many of us here!), so it’s still on our radar.
If you email us, we’d be happy to include you in that report.
My apologies for the trouble!