Cannot change Perspectives

I am not able to change Perspectives: move, add, etc.
I do not see any of those buttons that are mentioned in the user manual.

The first question is have you purchased the pro upgrade? You can check in Settings (drag down from the main screen, tap Settings), and open ‘about OmniFocus’.

If you have, are you able to do a long tap on a perspective name (again from the main screen) and get the entries to change shape so that you can move them around?

To add a perspective, you tap the button next to the Favourites/All perspectives control, again accessed by dragging the main screen down to access the secret bar.

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Thank you for the respond.
I have only one version in the App Store - omni focus 2. Is it the one?

Yes, the pro upgrade is an in-app purchase. You have to enable (and buy) the pro features (including perspectives) to be able to use them.

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