Changing or removing the default shading from totals cell in column

I am using OmniOutliner as a very simple spread sheet that adds values entered into a column of numbers. I have enabled totals which places the total in the column cell that is the parent of the items with values. Unfortunately OmniOutliner adds a grey shade to the totals cell. Is there any way to change or remove this shading?

best wishes

I don’t think so Simon, not that am aware.

Thanks for confirming what I am seeing.

I’m curious as to how you’re using this. Does OO have this kind of mathematical functionality built in? I’m way not aware of it. Assuming you’re using automation, why is it worth it to use OO instead of Excel or Numbers? Like I say, just curious…

The short simple answer is because OO handles text in a more pleasing way than a spreadsheet. I’m not using automation just the built in function “Total” that applies to columns of numbers.

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 08.06.31

I’m valuing an estate and am listing items by rooms in a house. OO displays a total for each room and and overall total. I am making notes to my self explaining rational and other sections contain text notes that contain copies of notes copied from the government web site describing inheritance tax rules and probate. I’m using level styles to make important information stand out and the final document can be printed out with some items hidden and others expanded as needed.

While I’m sure I could have used a spreadsheet, in the past , I have not found them as well suited for handling text and styles. For example with OO if I want to restyle all level 3 rows its simple to do with a couple of clicks

In the past I have used Applescript to perform mathematical tasks in OO but it is a clumsy.

Interesting — never knew about that functionality. Makes sense. Good to know, as I’m currently an executor myself. Onwards!