Hi, I’m trying to make a small plugin to change the background of selections to green. I did:
(() => {
var action = new PlugIn.Action(function(selection) {
// Add code to run when the action is invoked
selection.styles([Style.set(Style.Attribute.BackGroundColor, Color.green)]);
return action;
However this gives me the error:
TypeError: Style.set is not a function. (In ‘Style.set(Style.Attribute.BackGroundColor, Color.green)’, ‘Style.set’ is undefined) /Users/albert/Library/Containers/com.omnigroup.OmniOutliner5.MacAppStore/Data/Library/Application Support/Plug-Ins/Green background.omnijs:15:36
Any guidance much appreciated, thank you.
I had posted this originally in How to automate changing the background color of a line and moving to the automation category for more traction.