Collapsing Complex Tasks

Let’s say you have a project Organize Garage, and that one of the task items is Clean Out Workbench.

Then you decide that you want to create several subtasks for Clean Out Workbench: Install Wall-mounted Tool Rack, Organize Nuts and Bolts, etc.

If you assign a Due Date to Clean Out Workbench, all the subtasks are listed out for a given day. Is there some setting in OmniFocus that will only display Clean Out Workbench on the day in which it is due, but then have all the subtasks collapsed under it, to keep that day’s tasks looking clean?

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Presuming you mean in the Forecast view, what you want is absolutely not possible.

Presuming you mean with a custom-made perspective, setting always to show a collapsed state by default is not possible automatically AFAIK. You will see everything due either collapsed or not, likely depending on the last view that you left had for that particular project. I would be glad to learn otherwise of a setting that effectively says …

[ ] always collapse action groups in this perspective