Compact layout: displays info on one line w/status circles on the left [Edit: Now available in 2.3! OmniFocus Preferences ▸ Layout ▸ Custom Columns]

Another reason why I’ve gone back to OF1, and am glad I did.

We’re just about there with a new layout option! We hope to enter public test soon.


@derekr: Nice! I’m looking forward to the public test as this new layout looks like it will fit my needs perfectly!

This will be the most significant enhancement to OmniFocus 2 for Mac. Where’s it been all this time?

I guess you still won’t be able to see the inbox in a project, right? Sigh. That’s still my deal breaker.

Hooray! I have been using the url setting this entire time and enjoying it. It looks like the flag icon has been moved to be easier to click. Are there any other changes from the existing url-setting for compact view?

Public test builds of OmniFocus 2.3 are now available!