Copying completed action's notes to OmniOutliner

I’m trying to find a way to manage notes that I create in OmniFocus. I envision something like a script that would do the following:

When an action is checked as completed in OmniFocus, check if the action has notes.

  • If it does not, do nothing.
  • If it DOES have a note, then copy the action and associated notes to an OmniOutliner document with the same name as the project in OmniFocus.

So in OmniFocus I have the following structure:

Project 1
Action item A no notes
Action item B with notes

Project 2
Action item C with notes

No Project Assigned
Action item D with

If Action item A was marked completed, do nothing

If Action item B was marked completed, append the action item and notes to an OmniOutliner document called “Project 1”. (Even better, if no OmniOutliner document called “Project 1” existed, create the OmniOutliner document in the first instance.

If Action item C was marked completed, append the action item and notes to an OmniOutliner document called “Project 2”

If Action item D was marked completed, do nothing (as it does not have a project assigned)

My questions are. Does something like this already exist? Is this is something that could be done in AppleScript? If so it might be something that I could cobble together. If it would require Javascript then I’m afraid it is beyond my very limited skills.

Could this be a feature that other people might use?

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