Could *really* use a way to set a tag back to automatic sorting

I realize if you rearrange the items of a given tag in the Tag perspective that there is now a custom sort order, and so new tags will not order themselves automatically.

For the Forecast Tag in the Forecast perspective, I always want it to sort by project automatically, and never want a custom sort ordering.

Currently there is no way to make a tag go back to the automatic sorting behavior.

The only workaround is to:

  • Make a new tag
  • Assign all the items to the new tag
  • Delete the old tag

Since this is the Forecast tag, which is set independently on each platform then I need to:

  • Update the Forecast Tag setting to the new tag on Mac
  • Update the Forecast Tag setting to the new tag on iPhone
  • Update the Forecast Tag setting to the new tag on iPad

It’s a real annoyance and a workflow killer.

Today I added two items to the Inbox and added my Forecast Tag to them. They were sorted together at the bottom of the list of forecast-tagged actions in the Forecast perspective.

Then I set a project for each of the items in the Forecast perspective.

Instead of being automatically sorted by project, this seemed to trigger the ‘custom sorting’ so now my Forecast tag is stuck with manual sorting again.

So, now I have to go back through all those steps and reset the forecast tag on each platform.

It would be great if there was some way to indicate that you want a tag to be sorted automatically, and be able to set it back in case some action you take unexpectedly makes the actions with a tag sort manually.

Is there any way to do this?

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