Counting words in OmniOutliner

For elements of my work I aim to write around a page - which comes to about 500 words in the format I use.

Is there a way I can keep track of word count in OmniOutliner? (I would love to have something like the ‘target’ used by Scivener…)

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I, too, would not only like to see a word
count, but also a live page count as well. Currently, we have to go into
the print dialog box and look at the preview to see how many pages
we’re up to.I, too, would not only like to see a word
count, but also a live page count as well. Currently, we have to go into
the print dialog box and look at the preview to see how many pages
we’re up to.

I don’t have the skill of Rob Trew but this simple script counts the words in the topic column and notes.

-- simple word count script
-- Simon Knight 2014
-- Use as you wish

-- Counts the words in the topic and note columns

tell application "OmniOutliner"
	set tDocument to front document
	set tWordCount to 0
	repeat with oneRow in every row of tDocument --onerow is set to be the row being processed
	set tTopic to value of cell "Topic" of oneRow
	set tNote to value of cell 1 of oneRow --`notes column
	set tCellWrdCount to count of words of tTopic
	set tNoteWrdCount to count of words of tNote
	set tWordCount to tWordCount + tCellWrdCount + tNoteWrdCount
end repeat

display dialog ("Word count of words in Topics and Notes :" & tWordCount as string) & " words"
end tell

This is cool - thanks for sharing! Is there something similar for a character count? How could I modify this to count words only in particular rows, instead of all?

Word counting is built into Omnifocus 5 (Mac). The status bar automatically displays the count for the focused or filtered rows.

I just wish that Omnioutliner also, like Word processors often do, would count characters and words in the selected part of the text.

Thanks so much! I have since discovered this - it’s AWESOME! Exactly what I was after! Thanks for pointing this out! It wasn’t obvious to me as I’d never used the filtering/focus functionality, now I love it!