Create a perspective without the inbox

Hi, i was trying to create a perspective on iOS to see the tasks i have to do today (flagged) and the next actions (everything else, unflagged)

But i found the problem that some inbox tasks has been appearing on this perspective, i would like to hide them without choosing every project in OmniFocus as focused.

Any ideas?

Try a ‘Today’ perspective based on’

  • group actions: due

  • sort actions by: due

  • filter by status: due or flagged

  • filter by availability: available

  • duration: any duration

  • contexts: remaining

I use this setting to narrow important items due within a week, by means of flag control. You could manipulate your available tasks to the current day by using this method.

I use a slightly different method to control my today list but use this setting for my 7 days list because of the way I work. That way I clear my long term appointments list to give me a serious amount of time to prepare myself for extremely important appointments and tasks.

eg; a speaking engagement may be next year. I want to know it’s there and have plenty of preparation time as it approaches, not to mention avoiding date conflicts. When it appears within a month of the due date, I can work on it. When within a week I flag it, and it removes it from my long term list to 7 days list and will automatically appear in my Today list when the day arrives.

*My system wide Due setting is set to today.

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