Custom perspective - cannot add task?


I can’t seem to add tasks to custom perspective by hitting enter/ return. E.g I have a perspective to show all projects by remaining tasks but can’t seem to add a new task to it.


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Could you tell us the exact parameters you have set for the perspective? (Maybe take a screenshot?)

Of course, you should be able to press return to add a new item, but maybe something in your configuration is blocking it (and I can’t think of what would cause it off the top of my head).


Please see a screenshot


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Thanks for that. I was able to reproduce it, but I don’t know why it doesn’t work. Sorry.

Perhaps someone better versed in how the database works can illuminate us. If you want a guaranteed response, get in touch with support (Help > Contact Omni) and I’m sure they’ll be able to sort you out; might be it’s just a bug.

I think that you can only add tasks when you are in the default projects perspective or in the default contexts perspective. You cannot add rasks why you are in a custom oerspectivive.

I usually just invoke the quick entry keystroke and enter tasks with that window. Otherwise, I use command-O to quickly go to the desired project. This will bring me back to the projects perspective or contexts perspective quickly and then I add new tasks there.


Hi @henders! Sorry for the inconvenience, but @wilsonng is right – OmniFocus doesn’t support adding tasks directly into a custom perspective. The reason is that the app can’t always guarantee it knows how to put a task in that perspective; I go into some more detail over in this post.

If this ability would be important to your workflow, please let us know in an email! And in the meantime, I hope Quick Entry can serve as a suitable approach to getting tasks into your custom perspectives.


I think this doesn’t make much sense. I have the same problem as the original poster.
If I switch to GROUP ACTIONS BY: CONTEXTS then I can add tasks. But if I “Group Actions by” Projects, then I can’t add new tasks.
I really would need this working.

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This remains an active issue one year since last post. Per above, a custom perspective set up with GROUP ACTIONS BY: PROJECT does not allow the normal behavior of pressing Return/Enter to create a new task, but if the same perspective is set up with GROUP ACTIONS BY: CONTEXTS, the normal behavior is restored. Previous responses by Omni Staff (both in this, and in the linked, thread) do not address this issue in a logically congruent manner. It is logical that the application will not be able to automatically route a task in a mixed perspective such as “DUE OR FLAGGED”; but, if it is able to allow the normal behavior in a custom perspective set up with GROUP ACTIONS BY: CONTEXTS, and get the task into the proper context, it should be able to de precisely the same if the perspective is set up with GROUP ACTIONS BY: PROJECT. If this is a bug, please say so, and double please fix it. Otherwise, please explain the issue in a way that truly explains it, out of respect for your users, who are (ok, I’m talking about me…) an obsessive lot, and quite fond of logical explanations. Thanks.

This is an issue I get frustrated with about 20 times a day. I have a custom perspective called “Today” to just see items due. I sort by duration - which I use to simply rank the tasks in order of priority. Although I use the other perspectives for planning, I stay on “Today” all day long. Each time i need to add a task (probably 20x), I have to go to Forecast or another standard perspective. Anyone else have this frustration?

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Yes, also frustrated with that…

This isn’t an issue in OF3 for iOS (actions can now be added from anywhere), so perhaps it will be included for Mac as well.

My Mac workaround is to use Quick Entry if it’s just a thing or two.
