Date sorted task overview?

I’m testing out OmniFocus to see if I should buy (I’m a long time heavy OmniOutliner user). What I’m missing is a view that shows me all my tasks (or perhaps only the available ones) sorted by due date. Not sure if I’m missing something?

I can see some hacks:
On Mac I can somewhat use Forecast for that purpose. But on iPad forecast only shows one day (I think that is really a mistake. The iPad screen has room for a Mac-like view).

I could give ALL my tasks a default tag. Then when I view that tag, it would give me all my tasks sorted by due date.

But these seem odd roundabouts?

I agree that the Forecast view on the Ipad, and even on the Iphone, should show all tasks with due dates, just like on the Mac. You could after all click on a certain day in the view if you only like to the tasks due on that day. There is, however, a way to achieve this if you have the Pro version of Omnifocus – which I recommend, as it makes a world of difference, at least to me, to be able to construct your own perspectives. There you could create a perspective showing all tasks that have a due date, and you can sort them by due date. If you prefer, you could include all tasks in the perspective. Sorting by due date then places the tasks without due date after the tasks that have due date.

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Yes, I can see that perspectives can handle it. But then I need the pro version just to add this one common view, which is like $50 more if I buy both Mac and iOS. Already OmniFocus is expensive.

Yes, if you only need it for that specific view, the pro version would be expensive. You could have the Today view show tasks with a specific tag, but they will not be sorted by due date. I guess that you have noticed that you also could tap on the following days and on Future in the Forecast view to show those tasks, but not found that good enough.

Things 3 doesn’t have the ability to create saved searches/custom perspectives so it’s not as common as we thought it would be.

I’ve found custom perspectives in OF3 is the secret sauce that brings projects and tags together. I wouldn’t be able to live without it. I never realized how essential this one feature has become until I tried living without it.

I have a small handful of custom perspectives but it has saved me hours when I need to see my projects and tasks with a different lens,

I think custom perspectives is well worth the price. You can always buy pro on just one of the platforms and then see if you get by without it on the other platform.

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I have now tried with custom perspectives, and I have not been able to make it do what I want. I realize that what I really want is the most urgent tasks on top, but in context of projects. So, I can either

  1. Sort tasks by due date, but then the projects are not sorted by due, only by the manual ordering
  2. Sort projects by due date, but then the tasks inside are not sorted by due date.

It seems impossible to sort both projects and tasks by due.

Have you experimented with group by and then sort?

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