Deleted the wrong file?!


I’m freaking out right now.

I used Omnidisksweeper to delete some old/hidden files.

I was very careful to not delete the current movie footage I was working on, yet, it was somehow deleted.

These files are INCREDIBLY important.
I’m legitimately in tears as I write this. I’m newish to Macs, so I never used time machine.

Is there ANY WAY I can recover the couple of files I lost?
If you have any ideas- Please, please, PLEASE help

Thanks in advance

@KatherineSteele I am so sorry to hear about this! Unfortunately, items deleted with OmniDiskSweeper are not recoverable. My first line of defense is usually to restore from a Time Machine back up, but I see you don’t have one. Some other options: maybe you emailed the file recently? Did you store it through a cloud-based syncing service such as iCloud or Dropbox? Alternatively, you could look into a data recovery service (OmniDiskSweeper removes the files but does not perform a secure erase).

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i’ve used some software called ‘Disk Drill Media Recovery’ - just google it and it should come up - when i was loking for some photographs that i’d accidentally deleted. it worked pretty well - you can even set the file type parameter for the search.

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