Device level reminders for reviewing

Hey there,

I’m the forgetful type (which is why I’m using OmniFocus) and I’d love to get some sort of reminder to review my action lists. Is there something I’m missing that would achieve this in both Mac and iOS versions of the app? I can of course create a set of reminders in the Reminders app, but that feels like I’m bypassing something that OmniFocus could be doing.



What about a recurring task in OF with a due date? With alerts on, it should do the same.

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The simplest way to do this is to create a task to remind you, set the defer date to tomorrow, set the Repeat to Defer Another 1 Day, and make sure Notifications are turned on in Preferences. Then, you’ll get a notification tomorrow, and the task will be available. When you mark it complete, another will be created that will become available the next day.

If you want to get fancier, create a Single Action List with a name like “Daily Reminders.” Set the Defer of the Project to tomorrow, the Project Repeat to Defer 1 Day, and check the “Complete when completing last action” box in the side bar.

Now you can add as many tasks as you like, without having to deal with all those settings, because they inherit them from the project. When the last reminder task is marked completed, the whole project will be marked complete and a new copy will be created for the next day.

After you’ve gotten this daily review routine to review down pat, it will become an automatic habit and you’ll no longer need this reminder.

I used to have an alarm on my iPhone set to early in the morning. It was timed usually before breakfast and I’ll automatically reach for the iPad or go to my Mac and start reviewing. Nowadays, it’s just an automatic reflex to wake up, tap on the OmniFocus icon on my iPad and go straight to the review perspective. It’s as automatic as brushing my teeth, tying on my shoes, and adjusting my tie (not necessarily in that order).

I use and add the Omnifocus URL for review omnifocus:///review or add a specific project URL.

Thanks for the responses everyone.

At least I can conclude that there is no feature for this that I’m simply missing. I’m going to have a look at all your suggestions and see which of them suit me the most. I see wrinkles to implementing them all, but I suspect that might just be me being resistant to change!

Thanks again!
