Disable Omnifocus Sync / Delete Cloud Data / Offline usage

Hi friends,

for a school project I need to use OF, however we are not allowed to use any cloud services. The computer also does not allow an Internet connection for security reasons.

My questions are:

  1. How is your process to disable Cloud-Synching entirely for an OF Data base and delete the cloud data entirely from the OF Server?

  2. What do I need to take care of, when I want to use this project completely offline on that school-computer?

Thank you!

*Maybe helpful for the answers:

Update: As far as I undertsand, it is only possible to erase server Data if you have a mac, by connecting to your Omnisync-Data-Sevr via your finder. I dont undertsnad why you cannot do that directly from your account through the website…

When setting up OmniFocus (either on a new device or after using the Reset Database option), you’ll be prompted for how you’d like to sync its data. If you don’t want to sync this device with the cloud, you can choose the Skip option.

Sorry this isn’t more obvious! (It sounds like we need to update that support article.)

You can do this on the website by signing into accounts.omnigroup.com, following the first Edit link (in the Account section), then following the Reset Data… link.

You’ll get a dialog with this prompt:

This will remove all of the files that currently exist on Omni’s servers. This process cannot be undone.

The reset will:

  • Delete the files that currently exist on Omni’s servers. This may include OmniFocus, OmniGraffle, OmniPlan, OmniOutliner and OmniPresence data.

It will not:

  • Deactivate your account
  • Prevent devices from re-uploading files or OmniFocus data in the future.

At that prompt, you can choose to Cancel or Reset Data.

Hope this helps!