Does OG accept URL-Schemes?

Well, I can use omnigraffle:// to launch it e.g. from Omnifocus. But can I use a bespoke URL-Schema to open a specific OG-document / -layer /-object?
I’m looking for a similar functionality as the one for Omnifocus, where I can, from where ever, open a specific folder / project / tag etc.
Reason for asking: I‘ve got a network of people and themes in OG and can call up their associated tasks that I track in Omnifocus. I‘d love to have a linkback in Omnifocus to that person or theme from Omnigraffle.

OmniGraffle supports linkback, but does not support taskpaper format the way that OmniFocus does.

To see if linkback will work for you, select the object(s) you want in OmniGraffle and choose Copy As>PDF from the context menu. Then paste into a note in OmniFocus. Then you can double click on the PDF in the OmniFocus note. For more information search for “linkback” at


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Thanks a lot - nifty feature, this linkback project. Sadly only works on OSX, not iOS, though.

One possible solution may be using a workflow for iOS. Information about getting started with workflow at and Since iOS workflows support URL Schemes now, you can launch it from an OmniFocus note. See for more info.

URL scheme to launch a workflow is formatted like:


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That will work. I‘m not done yet, still coding & testing, but it will work!
Thanks a lot!!
Best, Chris

Awesome! This is what our workflow to open a specific files looked like: