Edit default note formatting in OF4?

In OmniFocus 4, is there a way to edit the default formatting applied to the notes field of projects and tasks? I’d like to be able to set the following:

  • Font
  • Font color
  • Font size

If so, do these settings automatically sync between devices? I have multiple Macs and one iPhone.

Not unlike concrete to the Middle Ages, the technology to write values to a P-list has been lost to the mists of time – we just don’t have the abilities for such magical options, unfortunately.

I should clarify - I’d take a solution that requires writing an Omni Automation too. I assume that your comment about writing to a P-list is a reference to the fact that OmniFocus has no way to store this preference, not just that there’s no way which is exposed in the UI?

I think using a plugin to manipulate notes consistently may become difficult having a first look at Omni Automation note style. What do you think about the „Note Style Plug-Ins“ and the „Note Style Templates“ section on this OmniAutomation page.

I think this is the right direction, but am not quite sure how and where (Mac, mobile) you would like to use this.