Evernote Links in OmniFocus

Hi all,

How do you make sure Evernote Note links copied in OmniFocus open in the Evernote App instead of your defaul browser, in my case Safari?

I suggest taking a look at 3 blog posts:

  1. The new Inside OmniFocus website from Omni, has a nice post about the topic.
  2. Sven Fechner’s also wrote about this, on his Simplicity Bliss.
  3. Michael Schlechter also wrote about it, on his old blog Better Mess.

Right click for the contextual menu.

Press “option” and “copy note link” will change to “copy classic note link” - this will open in the app.


@ediventurin, @ryanfuse, thank you very much for the tip and the links. Cheers

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A good video on this here: http://learnomnifocus.com/tutorials/omnifocus-evernote-integration-mac-ios/

I use an Automator script to do this, since the “Copy classic note link” thing sucks:

tell application "Evernote"
set _sel to selection
if _sel ≠ {} then
	set aNote to first item of _sel
	set the clipboard to (get note link of aNote)
end if
end tell

and then bind that service to a keyboard shortcut so I can just copy the evernote:/// link of the note.

Greeting from the future, bradwright!

You may not be monitoring now but I’ve just tried your script and I get an error

Evernote got an error: Can’t make link of note id “x-coredata://FA3B9904-7CF5-4AFB-9727-7D301A26867B/ENNote/p4634” of notebook “1-Inbox” into type specifier.

…I found this post Note links in Evernote → OmniFocus script which seems to work for me.

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