Feature request: Apple Watch Complications - Perspective Items

The OF4 Apple Watch app is a great improvement overall. Regarding Apple Watch Complications, these options are currently available:

  • Flagged Items
  • Forecast
  • Forecast Items
  • Inbox items
  • OmniFocus

I think there is a missed opportunity to show “Perspective Items”. For example, I run the entire Things 3 app for the exclusive purpose of having my evening routine show up on my wrist while I keep myself on track during the evening.

Granted, in OF4 I could add my “Evening Routine” perspective as a favourite on my watch, then have a simple complication 😏 that opens OmniFocus, then tap again to get to that perspective. But if I were able to show “Perspective Items”, which were configured to target a particular perspective (much like a widget can do), then the next item would be displayed in the complication. That would make the next action “glanceable” in a larger complication around the edge of the watch face e.g. “make bed”, or “put clothes away”.

This one tweak to Apple Watch complications would make it way more useful. Displaying Flagged items or Forecast items, which could come from any project, shows me out of context items from work, which is not what I want to see in the evenings. An “in context” watch complication could have many useful applications during the day.

You should contact the support team and let them know about your feature request.

Thanks @Geoffairey, I’ve emailed that through, I wasn’t sure of the process.

Hey @scott_dellar, the behavior you described is precisely what I’ve observed on my Apple Watch complication. I’m not sure if there has been an update since your post. If you’ve updated OmniFocus on your Apple Watch and it’s still not functioning as expected, reaching out to support would be your best bet.

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My starred perspectives now appear as options for the Apple Watch complication, which is exactly what I was talking about. OF v4.0.3 was released today, it might have been in that? Anyway, that’s awesome! Goodbye Things 3, hello OmniFocus on Apple Watch! Thanks OmniGroup!

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I also got this from an Omni Group Support Human, it seems it is a known issue. I turned my watch off and on and now starred perspectives are unable to be selected from the OmniFocus complication options list. I’ll email them back about this.

Once you’ve added a perspective as a favorite in the Watch app, it should then become available as a complication option. We do have a bug about times where favorited perspectives aren’t showing up (at least right away) as complication options as expected, which seems might have been part of your trouble. I’ll get your email added to that, as just a data point.

I have emailed support as follows

I turned my watch off and on and now starred perspectives are unable to be selected from the OmniFocus complication options list - it has effectively forgotten my starred perspectives again. The issue was previously resolved when an OmniFocus app update was deployed to my Apple Watch. Perhaps the complication option list is only updated on app refresh? Can I suggest that the complication option list is updated when a perspective is starred or unstarred? And please see why the list is lost on device restart?

Now it’s fixed and working beautifully, thanks Omni Group!

OmniFocus 4.0.4 for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch

OmniFocus 4.0.4 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.

  • Apple Watch — Improved Forecast complication reliability.
  • Apple Watch — Recently favorited perspectives are now correctly offered for selection when configuring complications.