Feature Request - Priority Tags

I want to tag each item for its priority (scale of 1-5). Right now, I use a group of tags:
4-stars, etc.
The problem is I have to delete the 4-star tag when I want to move it to 5-stars.

I see two possibilities:

  1. A dedicated ‘priority’ marker system
  2. Tweak the TAG system so that a group can be set to be marked for ‘exclusive’ in which case only one of the group’s tags can be applied to any one item at a given time. This feature would be flexible for use in other situations.

Are either of these possible to work in?

Visit the Learn OmniFocus web site’s plugin collection to find a resource for toggling between tags.

1 Like

Oh wow, thanks!

That plug-in works perfectly, allows me to customize what group, and even generates toolbar icons. A fabulous resource!