[Fixed] Crash: Crash when trying to autofill credentials in specific login form

OmniWeb crashes reproducibly when you try to autofill a specific login form on the German price comparison web site idealo.de.

Please note: This does not affect the regular login page on idealo.de.

To reproduce, you do not need an account on idealo.de!

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Without logging in before, go to some product page on idealo.de, e.g. internal SSDs.
  2. Click on the heart icon next to some item to like it.
  3. A login dialog appears telling you that you must be logged in to like an item.
  4. Click into the E-mail address field and press the down arrow on the keyboard as if you would want OmniWeb to autofill the form.
  5. OmniWeb crashes.


UPDATE: Turns out the crash can also be produced from the regular login page if the cursor is in the password field (not the email field) when you press the down arrow on the keyboard.


Fixed as of v632.0.63