Focus on IOS iPhone

Hi All,

Does anyone know if it is possible to focus on projects, folders etc on IOS. I would like to focus on my home folder when i get home so my contexts only relate to home projects, is this possible? I can focus on things on omnifocus for Mac.

Any ideas?



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I handle this by making a perspective with the focus set (eg ā€˜Today at Workā€™ is my Today perspective focused on the Work folder in my Projects.

Thatā€™s the only reasonable way I can think of, and it doesnā€™t scale very well.

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Hi Edd,

Focus isnā€™t a standalone feature on iOS like it is on Mac, but using the Pro feature set you could create any number of perspectives that focus on a project or folder. Check out the Working with Perspectives section of the OmniFocus 2 for iOS User Manual for more information on this.

The Whatā€™s in Pro section on our product page covers all the Pro features in OmniFocus for iOS/Mac.

Iā€™ll add your +1 to the open feature request in our tracker for an independent Focus feature in the iOS edition. Thanks for letting us know thatā€™d benefit your use!


Thanks aaron,

I take on board your point regarding perspectives. However, I have an evening perspective which shows everything I can do at home. This is ok but I would then like to filter by context. If I could on my phone (Primary omnifocus tool for home use) focus on all home tasks and then just use contexts ensuring i only see home tasks then it would make life easier.

Thanks for your response.


While itā€™s not quite the same as filtering by context, if you set your ā€œevening perspectiveā€ to group by context, you will at least be able to see the tasks organized into each of the appropriate contexts.

Hi @eddtr1,

If your evening perspective doesnā€™t use project hierarchy, you could select one or more contexts in the Context Selection portion of the perspective settings on iOS (the equivalent setting is called Sidebar Selection on the Mac).

Thanks everyone for your responses. Ill test some out and get back to you.

Yes it is possibleā€¦

I TOTALLY get it! I was wishing for this yesterday.

Iā€™ve created a perspective for a job that I have, CHPC, and when I click on it it then lists the tasks in a simple order based off of due date and flagged. GREAT! Clean and simple and not a lot of friction involved, just what OF is supposed to do for me.

On the left (Mac) are my contexts and I can simply click one (say ā€˜iOSā€™ or ā€˜errandā€™) and it filters my lists. EASY! BAM! Look how productive Iā€™m being!

But on the iOS device I click on this same perspective and it lists all my tasks, again, clean and simple, but there is not way to click on a context to filter.

I COULD go into edit perspectives here, select a context to focus on, but I donā€™t want to edit my perspective. What if I forget to change it back? Iā€™ll have to undo this step eventually, so it is really 2 steps every time. Plus the buttons to do so arenā€™t prominent, you have to scroll down to get to it. All in all it is a LOAD of friction! I was being productive but now just got knocked off the horse and SQUIRREL!

I get itā€¦ I would LOVE to see a context button.

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This lack of focus, having to create one of too many perspectives, is a huge drawback for OF on iOS. Either work in projects view, contexts view, or create a perspective of mixing the two. Of course you canā€™t create a context based perspective for iOS. If you have multiple jobs and styles of work (a plethora of contexts) you can really clutter up your system with a lot of perspectives. What was once a clean sidebar now becomes the endless list of perspective icons. Waitā€¦ Which icon is the one that I wanted? On the Mac you can just go to project and focus, but you canā€™t do this on iOS. So hence the crazy perspectives list.

What was once a great strength of OF has become its crutch.

ā€¦ How is it so?

PLease add another one

Does anyone has workaround for Focus on iPad for a Folder in the Review tab? (So I want to be able to only see the selected folder in the review tab.)

I would also like to see this feature, would make things simpler beeing able to focus on each life area when needed instead of creating muliple perspectives.

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Totally would love this as well but not able to find out how to do it. Allows you to segment your review which when your pushed for time is a great benefit - well looks like I need to wait till I get to a Mac :(


+1 this feature request. Focus mode is a big deal for OmniFocus on Mac, not having it on iOS is kind of a big gap.

Dear OF Team. 4 Years since this thread started and this vital feature is still missing on IOS.

Please bring it to IOS soon.

Donā€™t want to be rude, but iā€™ve been following the forum/discourse since the beginning and i kind of get the feeling omni guys are not focusing on the requested features or making the product really powerful but on things they think/feel will bring in more money. Itā€™s sad actually. For instance support for folders has been added which makes it nice to group projects, but the lack of focus mode on those folders doesnā€™t allow you to review separate groups of projects individually. But sure, letā€™s bring native ios browser in instead because that is more important. Would like to see how many user requests they had for native ios browser that it needed to be implemented before focus on ios.
The lack of user requests not being made public tells me they are not serious about handling user requests/priorities first.

I still need this feature alot, the lack of it is basicly forcing me to move my work and client tasks into another system which I dont want to do.

I use perspective to focus, whatā€™s so important about Focus according to you?

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