Formatting notes?

Is there a way to format notes, or at least change the default font?

It’s kind of silly that this postings to this forum have more formatting options than the Notes section of an Action.

I frequently have Action items for meetings and use the Notes section to document what I want to talk about it. I’d like to be able to format those notes, create a small outline with some indentations, etc.

Please don’t say I have to wait for OF4!

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If lots of formatting is needed then, in my opinion, you are better off using another tool for this purpose. The notes field will accept the usual formatting shortcuts (Bold, Underline, Italics, etc.) but there is no menu of options to draw from besides the ⌘T which is painful.

Since you’re on a Mac, you can always paste rich text from the editor of your choice. Multiple levels of indentation might be rendered oddly depending upon the format, though.

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Agreed it would be very useful and on iOS

Basic multi-level bullets can be used. See this post:

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True, but this feature is of limited use for those of us who also use OmniFocus on iOS, as when opening such a note on OmniFocus for iOS:

  • Text that doesn’t fit on 1 line won’t be indented properly on OmniFocus for iOS (and this is likely to happen on a narrower screen).
  • If you edit the list on iOS, the note is converted to plain text, and you loose your nicely indented bullet lists.