Get Task or Item Creation Date

Hi there,

I was wondering if it’s possible to “Get” or find the creation date of a selected / found task, group or milestone.

I’ve got an AppleScript to “Get” all of the attributes for the style of a task. Is there an equivalent for getting other attributes of the task which are potentially hidden, or is there a simpler way to go about this?

tell application “OmniPlan”
tell front window
set selected to selected tasks
set t to item 1 of selected
set a to attributes of style of t
end tell
end tell
return a

Many thanks,


Hi there,

I’ve done some further digging and unfortunately this doesn’t appear to be a property which is automatically defined and retrievable in the software. For anyone who might find this useful, my current workaround is using an AppleScript to create tasks which also sets a bit of custom data called “Creation Date” to be the date and time.

set CTime to (current date) as string
tell application “OmniPlan”
tell first document
set newTask to make new task with properties {custom data:{|Creation Date|:CTime}}
end tell
end tell

The thinking here (workflow-wise) is that if I’m creating a lot of new tasks across a project on a particular day, or during a particular time period and want to filter for them, then being able to filter by the Creation Date is very handy. What would also be handy is being able to filter by the date a task is modified, though I haven’t dug into that yet. Both of these fields are natively available in OmniFocus, but seem to be missing from OmniPlan, at least on the surface.

All the best,
