Getting error message: Found multiple root transaction identifiers in

I haven’t used OmniFocus for a few years. Time to jump back in. When I open the software, I get the following message:

Unable to read document
Found multiple root transaction identifiers in “file:///Users/cindigay/Library/Containers/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2/Data/Library/Application%20Support/OmniFocus/OmniFocus.ofocus/”.

I did have some hardware repairs between now and the last time I used the program. I can open a backup but I cannot restore the backup. Every time I open the app, I have to follow the same steps, find the old backup file and open. And then live with the error message at the top of the page. I click on the link to revert, but the error at the top remains. Next time when I reopen Omnifocus, I get the pop up error, “Unable to read document” and I have to follow the long path to the backup again to get anything.

I don’t mind starting over, but I will need a printout of all projects so I don’t have to recreate everything from scratch. Is there an easy way to print everything?

This is old but might it help?

Were you syncing your data to The Omni Sync Server before?

If so, I wonder if your data there is in a usable state. So as to not disturb anything you’ve already got, you could check by syncing a fresh copy from the server via the iOS app. Or if you’ve only got it on Mac, you could try creating a new user account on your Mac and using OmniFocus to download the data on the server.

I know this is old but if it can be of any help to anyone…

I stumbled on the same error message on my MacbookPro. Haven’t used OmniFocus in a while. But I have it installed on my other iDevices and I have my WebDav server quietly running on an old MacPro 5,1.
Anyway here’s how I fixed it. Mind you my server is running and all my other devices can access the database.
I followed the path to reach the OmniFocus.ofocus file on the Macbook. I removed it from it’s folder and dropped it on my desktop (to keep a backup copy). Re-launched OmniFocus and it asked me to enter my server’s credentials and that was it ! It recreated the file, accessed my database and had kept the registration info.

Everything is back to normal. 😊