Getting MailMate's Bundles working with OmniFocus 2

Ditto for me. Works fine if OF already open (which normally it would be). I also get the blank modal dialog box if OF not open.

In practice this routine now works fine since when isn’t OF open? :) But it’s obviously a bug, and I have no idea if it’s easy or hard to address.

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Looks like it! (A bug, perhaps?)

If I disable this line
--set note expanded of tree 1 to true
it works as expected. (You just need to manually open the notes field if you want to edit.)

To disable that line, edit ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles/create_task and add -- before set note expanded of tree 1 to true.

The bundle doesn’t work if OF2 was acquired via the App Store; the application ID needs to have .MacAppStore appended to “omnifocus2”. After restarting MailMate, the keybinding now works.

If the content being added to the Quick Entry window is HTML, it’s adding the raw code rather than the “browser” version.

Is there a way to have it presented that way, as the keybinding does?



where do you change the application ID ?

Please anyone,
I switched to the MAS version and cannot get this bundle working anymore
Help !

Ditto. I would really like to get this working with the App store version.

I’ll take a look!

Edit: OK, I think this’ll do the trick for you, @deladriere and @steve.

Download this Mac App Store bundle and… [quote=“derekr, post:19, topic:92”]
install it to ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles/[/quote]

and then relaunch MailMate.

If a bundle already exists there, delete it and install this instead.

Derek, thank you for the bundle. It works perfectly. I appreciate all the work you do to help us out.

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Thank you so much
note : this is the “normal” ^A command and needs to be edited to work with the F1 key

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~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Bundles/OmniFocus.mmBundle/Support/bin/create_task

Edit this line and append .MacAppStore as here:

tell application id “com.omnigroup.omnifocus2.MacAppStore”
