I’m really confused how the Google events publishing mechanism decides if a task is “all-day” and therefore is presented as a banner in the calendar. I have several tasks with a 3w duration that when published create 12:00am-12:00am events, and therefore not “all-day” banners.
I’ve even tried the new Elapse-Time duration e.g. 3ew and it still doesn’t publish all day events.
I know I’ve published all-day events before, so I know it is theoretically possible.
@oconnord Sorry for the trouble! We’ve received customer reports of issues with this in the past, but I just ran a quick test with a simple OmniPlan file published to a Google calendar account and it seemed to work ok for me:
Could you contact our Support team so that they can look into this with you? Sending along an anonymized copy of your file may help them track down the issue quickly. You can send them this by selecting Help > Contact Omni… in the OmniPlan menu bar and selecting the option to include a copy of the file. This will create an email with a copy of your OmniPlan document, replacing all of the text in your document with “Xxxxx” strings. The Support team can also be reached by emailing omniplan@omnigroup.com directly.