Hide Completed Actions In Custom Perspective

I am not sure if I am doing something wrong?

I have a dozen or so custom perspectives and most work fine. A couple of them will not hide the completed actions, thus, I have to make the initial order as completed and they go to the bottom. The other one I have to have as organized an keep the completed at the top collapsed.

I could not find my answer here, or online.

Here are the screenshots of the setup.

If I understand what you are trying to do, you should just change the view rules like this:

That doesn’t do it. It gives me only deferred items.

The two views I am trying to create excluding completed actions:

1-Today perspective including deferred

2-A perspective of all actions with dates and defer dates in due order

I have both of these working properly, but the completed are also there. In order to view these in order of due, the following must be set and I keep the completed collapsed.


From your screenshots, I see a couple of issues with your rules:

  1. Improper nesting: looking at your first screenshot, the disabled rules don’t seem to be nested. “Availability: Completed” should be indented from “None of the following”. I understand these rules are now disabled, but rule groups should contain something, or else they will not have any effect.
  2. In your second screenshot showing the rules, you put everything in “Any of the following”. By doing this, your “Availability: Remaining” rule is ignored if any of the others is true, and this is why you see completed items as well: as long as they match any of the other rules, they will appear.

The rules in my screenshot are identical to yours, with the exception that they show only the remaining actions (and always filter out completed or dropped actions). These rules will show any remaining actions which have either a due date or a defer date, or are due soon.

Thx @taglia

Studying your response, I finally got it figured out. I need to start with all of the following and make sure the items pertaining to that one were nested properly, as well as any of the following and those needed there also got nested properly.

It was kind of confusing for an old man, but now I got it.