How can I mix tasks with events in Forecast?


I think the best way to get organized in OmniFocus would be the one you have in the image of the Omnifocus 4 app in the AppStore (image attached here).

The problem is that I can’t mix events from my calendar with tasks (with tag) and due tasks as shown in the image.

Does anyone know how to configure Omnifocus 4 so that calendar events can be mixed with Omnifocus tasks?

Thank you!

This is how I have it:
CleanShot 2024-12-11 at 17.27.21@2x

This is shown in the App Store image:

Check the view options and set the structure to flexible. If I change it to organized it shows like you have in the first screenshot

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Hello!! Thank you very much!!!

The truth is that I didn’t know that you could do this after so much time with Omnifocus 4… this is useful to use another daily way of organizing myself, thank you!!