How can the data density be improved? [OmniFocus 2.3 added custom columns layout]

To quote Lizard regarding data density – it will be looked at after the full release.

I’ve written a small response to it in the same thread.

Continuing the discussion from Move to a different solution if interface concerns aren’t addressed?:

Returning back to the topic of data density:

Two comparison pictures.

The benefits of having checkboxes on the left is that it provides visual hierarchy. The triangular arrows only appear when there is a child task, and the checkbox appears where there is a finish-able/checkable task.

This sort of iconography is useful as it allows you to quickly scan the structure of your tasks as you scroll down.

In OmniFocus 1, hence the duality of this combination – 1) Downwards-facing triangular arrow signifying its status as a parent task and 2) Checkbox signifying a task.

This gives coherence to a visual structure.

Whereas in OmniFocus 2, there’s a slight confusion here. There’s half of the visual structure, accorded by the downwards-facing triangular arrow. But as highlighted with the red box – it’s abruptly cut off there. It’s hard to quickly scan through a significant amount of task and get a general impression of the overall structure when the checkbox is omitted.

Picture 1 (OmniFocus 1):

Picture 2 (OmniFocus 2, as of April 16th, 2014):