Move to a different solution if interface concerns aren't addressed?

Continuing the discussion from Move to a different solution if interface concerns aren’t addressed?:

Clearly understandable.

If I was running the ship at OmniGroup I wouldn’t either. It’d be a tremendously unproductive affair, and as Ken had posted (in the old OmniGroup forum), OmniGroup has had quite a good record of supporting and updating apps for many years.

Continuing the discussion from Move to a different solution if interface concerns aren’t addressed?:

There definitely is no trickery here. OmniGroup’s definitely not in the wrong in anyway here. We’re having rational (perhaps slightly too passionate) discussions about the current state of OmniFocus 2 at the present moment, with the possibility of moving to different solutions. As I said before I’m not entertaining the idea of doing so, as 1) I’m entrenched in the ecosystem 2) There’s no other (good) solution).

Despite what might sound like a rant (I’ve seen a few of my posts had their titles change with slightly emotive wording to more neutral wording) across the several topics that have spawned from the data density one, there’s a tremendous amount of goodwill towards OmniGroup (at least this is what I perceive having seen some of the discussions on both this Discourse forum and Twitter).

I understand that as developers there’s the issue of balancing between functionality and visual simplicity, with the risk of being too stark in its interface*, or being too dumbed down (possibly in order to capture as many users as possible and get that IPO).

*Note: Interface update coming soon in Tinderbox 6.

There’s a general move towards a more minimalist design language, sparked by iOS 7 (to a lesser extent, the ‘Modern UI’ (previously known as Metro) in Windows 8/Windows Phone 7), which is both good and bad. I personally love minimalism, but having embraced highly functional tools in the past few years, having reduced functionality due to design changes is something undesirable. (Spotify is one example of reduced functionality… 50% of the items that would previously display on the screen is now off of the screen.)

I have no doubt that OmniFocus is useful for people – after all I mentioned that one of the best parts about OmniFocus (1) and the other OmniGroup apps is that it’s extensible.

OmniGroup has historically been very focused on the former, namely high functionality for the productivity workflow niche. I am definitely sure reduction and dumbing down is not a definite aim for OmniGroup and the many UX, usability, workflow and data density concerns will be addressed in the long-run.

It definitely is understandable that, with the shipping date for June coming up (I suspect it’s in anticipation of OS X 11/10.11, with the hope that it’ll get featured in the Mac App Store when the new OS is announced), that these features are unable to be added in at that time.

As Ken has said, OmniFocus 2 has a long life ahead (with major/minor adjustments through updates), which these considerations can be taken into account of.

Thanks for the response and the clarification, and for telling us that these are issues that are taken into consideration. It’s fantastic to know that our concerns about UX and usability is taken into account of when designing OmniFocus 2.

Until then, I’m probably going to stick with OmniFocus (1) as my daily driver, and probably will continue to do so even after OmniFocus 2 is released, and readily await the day that these changes are addressed or considered.