…in the web version
I would also like to know if this is possible. I tried dragging and dropping in chrome browser but that did not work.
I have similar questions, about converting from action to project, or the other way around. I don’t know if there’s a pro version that has this, or what. I know that my phone can convert back and forth with ease, but I can’t do it on the web. Initially I was just brain dumping, and filled my folders with whatever came to mind. Most of them aren’t projects, they’re actions. I can’t demote them from project to action on the web like I can on my phone.
There seems to be a number of little things like this. For example, an edit button. I still have the project list from getting started with omnifocus when I got the phone app. Tapping edit comes up a few times. Not an option on the web. I’m still learning, but a lot of this little intuitive stuff just doesn’t seem to be in the web interface.