How do you handle videos / articles to read?

This is the one thing that piles up in my inbox constantly and i would like to sort videos / articles of things i would like to learn by tags if possible. How do you handle that kind of information?

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Instapaper, Pocket and the Safari reading list are popular options, and has a devoted following.

I have never found a satisfactory solution. Currently I’m trying saving them in a DevonThink database called To Read.

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I’ve tried other apps for this and always came back to OmniFocus. I save all web pages to OF inbox and subsequently process these into a separate “saved web pages” folder for safekeeping. OF handles this beautifully and I’ve never had any issues locating/reopening these later. I also use Alfred to automatically save open web pages for speed/convenience.
The other app that I save web pages/links to, is Ulysees. When I’m working in Ulysees I simply copy links into it, and on the iPad it is even easier.

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I used to use OF for this, and put it in a waiting for - read folder, everything on hold, with a reading perspective.

Now I use pinboard for storing links, with the rss for unread links from pinboard added to reeder for easy viewing among all my other reading material.

How do you think about an Excel table?

I save read later stuff in pocket (with a zapper “zap” to send a reminder to OmniFocus.) Once read I decide whether to keep it in DEVONThink or more likely delete it.

Bookmarks go into DEVONthink, (iOS) usually renamed and tagged for easy retrieval, as do articles and PDF"s and I have a home cooked CMS running in DT linking to contacts and the clients SAL in OF

Code snippets (usually my own) go into a dedicated GIT repo synced across iOS with “working copy app”, and also available on the office Macs.

Honestly I try not to save too much, as it often quickly goes out of date so al least googling it again gives me a more up to date answer. What I have learned is saving stuff just because you can usually means rarely referring to it ever again, so why keep it?


I ship everything to Drafts 5 with a tag of read, watch, or listen. During my morning review of OF where I fine-tune my day, I also review those media items and then it is only a keyboard shortcut to send them to OF if they fit in with my plans. I try and consume media as it is relevant to projects I’m working on (the links become action items) and nothing goes into OF anymore (I used to dump everything in there) unless I have a plan for it.

If it’s something I want to read later, I save it to Pocket, which gives me a clean view of the article to read on my iPad, laptop or phone.

If it’s something I want to save for reference, it goes into Evernote, typically as a simplified article (no ads, headers, banners, etc.)

If it’s something I want to share with someone later (usually my wife), it goes into Evernote and I tag it with her dedicated sub-context under my Agenda context.

I have a number of single action list projects for these:

  • Music, Movies, and Media (to listen or watch)
  • Books to Read
  • Curiosities (miscellaneous articles of interest)

Otherwise, I tend to have articles related to projects as actions under those projects, each tagged Consume (I have a variety of tags for actions I can do anywhere, such as Consume, Create, Admin, etc., which insinuate my mode of thinking/energy level).



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This is what I do. With some additional lists
Acquire Books - Books I want to purchase or borrow since I need to have the book before I can read it.
Read Books - List of books I want to read.
Finally - Document Books - Document the book I read in Obisidian, so that I have a permanent record of books that I’ve read and any notes about them I wanted to scribble down.

Something to read goes in Goodlinks. Something to watch might go in OmniFocus. A game to play goes in a project in OmniFocus.

Because I have trillions of tasks (for work and private life) :)), all wishes regarding literature, concerts, films … are noted in a respective checklist in Evernote.