How to avoid already completed tasks while flagged in a TODAY perspective?

Hey and good day,

I’m using flags, and in my today perspective, those tasks are shown, but also they are already completed.

Which perspective settings are necessary, to avoid already completed tasks, which are also flagged?


best regards,

It really depends on your actual intend, but could be something like this:

PS: I‘‘ve added dropped as well, because I assumed if it‘s dropped the flagged item is as well not relevant anymore.

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This looks good, thank you Logan.

Only 2 flagged tasks don’t appear in the TODAY perspective, although set in the View Options.
And neither Due Tomorrow task.

I must say i find the UI of View Options not very practical - and OF vs.3 was more robust, if I remember correctly.

From your post I‘m not quite sure if it‘s good for you or something is not right, yet. Please give me a hint if you miss something.

Thank you Logan for asking,

Everything is fine and working, still using your View set up for the today perspective.

I merely realised, that it is not the easiest thing to define the rules for different perspectives. Maybe there are more examples on the forum(?).

However, I still think that OmniFocus is the Cadillac among GTD apps!

/With best regards, Omar KN

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Hi Omar,

some time ago, I tried to explain the process of how a custom perspective can be developed at an example. This was the post: How I developed my GTD Someday/Maybe list

Maybe it helps.

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Looks really good,

however, for this I need a good night’s sleep, then I’ll go through it step by step…
(this will be fun.)

All the best!