How to create a folder in a custom perspective

I’ve looked online (google - other searches), You Tube, Learn Omnifocus site and here and can’t find anything on whether or not you can create folders in custom perspectives. It seems to me that I’ve seen examples in others Omnifocus setups, but the “+” and settings wheel at the bottom of the custom perspective tab are grayed out. And when I tried to do so via the upper app menu, it did nothing.

NOTE: I think I may have a bug or something is not set correctly as I can see in my “Show Perspective” window in the rule field that follows “Contained within project or folder:” multiple “New folder” in the checklist that pops up for you to select folders or projects.

You can create a folder while in a custom perspective as long as the “Group and sort” preference is set to “Entire Projects.”

OmniFocus - Group and Sort - Entire Projects

The new folder will be created at the root level of your Projects. Though, if the custom perspective filters out the root level (e.g. if the custom perspective focuses on a specific folder), it won’t be obvious that anything has happened.

The custom perspective is set to “Group and sort : Entire Projects”. Oddly, I can’t see the folders in the macOS app, but could in the iOS (iPhone), so I removed them. I mostly use the app on the Mac. And yes, the custom perspectives I created doesn’t really rule out the Omnifocus Projects folder (I simply have it hidden since I don’t use it) because I needed to set certain rules and couldn’t figure out how to do that with their Projects perspective.

So I guess we can’t organize by folders in custom perspective then (at least not in the macOS version)?

FYI here’s the custom perspective setup for my Projects view:

And note that ALL of my custom perspectives have the “+” and settings wheel at the bottom of the custom perspective tab grayed out.

This perspective will only show folders that have active or on-hold projects. New folders are empty by default, which would explain why they’re not showing up in your custom perspective.

I recommend using the built-in Projects perspective to create new folders.

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So, if I understand you then, concerning my original question, you can’t create new folders in a custom perspective then. And that doesn’t make sense to me. If you need to create a folder and it’s always going to be empty by default (normal) then how can you put active or on-hold projects in it? That said, I’ll use what I consider a “go around” and make the folders in the built-in Projects perspective. Thank you! It worked ;).

When you create the new folder using File > New Folder, it’s filtered out by the Filter Rules specified in the Custom Perspective. In other words, the new folder is created but isn’t visible when you’re in this Custom Perspective.

I recommend submitting feedback to Omni using Help > Contact Omni if you’d like a different behaviour.

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Hi again and thanks!!! Without this exchange it may have taken me awhile to figure it out. I’ll wait for the update and if it still behaves that way, I’ll definitely submit my experience and suggest a different behavior. 👍🏽 Thanks again !

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