I understand that I can learn Omnifocus Automation plugins etc. I will.
For now, can someone help me with how to create a duplicate of a task in the containing project of the task, and if it is an inbox task to create the task in inbox. I did search the web and the forum but there does not seem to be a way to do this using JXA - there are plugins.
In the code below, the questions are related to
- the duplicate command - there is an error in how it is invoked
- also, I understand that this will not work for inboxTasks and if there are ideas related to that it will be great
I reviewed this in the OmniFocus javascript dictionary, but unable to construct the right syntax.
duplicate method : Copy an object.
duplicate specifier or list of specifier : The object(s) to copy.
[to: location specifier] : The location for the new copy or copies.
[withProperties: record] : Properties to set in the new copy or copies right away.
→ specifier or list of specifier : the duplicated object(s)
Thank you!
(() => {
"use strict";
function main() {
const OmniFocus = Application("OmniFocus");
OmniFocus.includeStandardAdditions = true;
// Get selected tasks in OmniFocus
const frontDoc = OmniFocus.defaultDocument.documentWindows[0];
const content = frontDoc.content();
const selectedItems = content.selectedTrees.value();
// onlyTasks :: [OF Item] -> [OF Task]
const onlyTasks = (seln) =>
(x) => ObjectSpecifier.classOf(x) == "task" ||
ObjectSpecifier.classOf(x) == "inboxTask"
const tasksSelected = onlyTasks(selectedItems);
if (tasksSelected.length === 0) {
OmniFocus.displayDialog("You didn't select any OmniFocus tasks.");
return; // Exit early if no selection
// Modify tasks in OmniFocus
return tasksSelected.forEach((task) => {
dupTaskProperties = {
name: "waiting_on: " + task.name(),
note: task.note(),
dueDate: task.dueDate(),
deferDate: task.deferDate(),
let duplicateTask = OmniFocus.duplicate(task, {
to: task.containingProject,
withProperties: dupTaskProperties,
// mark the task complete
return main();