I’m trying to get the filename without the extension of the current document file in Omnigraffle Professional 5.
tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5"
set _document to front document
set _path to path of _document
-- Get filename without extension
tell application "Finder"
set {_filename, _extension, _ishidden} to the
{displayed_name, name_extension, extension_hidden} of the _path
end tell
end tell
This gives me the following error: error "Can’t get displayed_name of \"/Users/ca/Downloads/Feb 8.graffle\"." number -1728 from displayed_name of "/Users/ca/Downloads/Feb 8.graffle" .
I found some related questions and pages, but I’m a bit lost and really can’t understand why it does not work.
path of document returns a POSIX path (i.e., something like /blah/blah/blahbity/blah), but the properties you are asking about belong to the Finder’s item object, not the POSIX path
it’s displayed name, name extension and extension hidden without underscores
don’t nest tell application blocks
try this instead:
tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5"
set _document to front document
set _path to path of _document
end tell
-- Get filename without extension
tell application "Finder"
set _file to (POSIX file _path) as alias
set {_filename, _extension, _ishidden} to the {displayed name, name extension, extension hidden} of the _file
end tell
and if you want to stay in OmniGraffle scope, rather than using Finder methods, another approach is to paste in some prefab functions:
tell application "OmniGraffle"
set fp to path of front document
{my takeDirectory(fp), my takeFileName(fp), my takeBaseName(fp), my takeExtension(fp)}
end tell
------------------- PARTS OF FILE PATHS -------------------
-- https://github.com/RobTrew/prelude-applescript
-- takeBaseName :: FilePath -> String
on takeBaseName(strPath)
if strPath ≠ "" then
if text -1 of strPath = "/" then
set fn to item -1 of splitOn("/", strPath)
if fn contains "." then
intercalate(".", items 1 thru -2 of splitOn(".", fn))
end if
end if
end if
end takeBaseName
-- takeDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath
on takeDirectory(strPath)
if strPath ≠ "" then
if character -1 of strPath = "/" then
text 1 thru -2 of strPath
set xs to init(splitOn("/", strPath))
if xs ≠ {} then
intercalate("/", xs)
end if
end if
end if
end takeDirectory
-- takeExtension :: FilePath -> String
on takeExtension(strPath)
set xs to splitOn(".", strPath)
if 1 < length of xs then
"." & item -1 of xs
end if
end takeExtension
-- takeFileName :: FilePath -> FilePath
on takeFileName(strPath)
if strPath ≠ "" and character -1 of strPath ≠ "/" then
item -1 of splitOn("/", strPath)
end if
end takeFileName
------------------------------ GENERIC -------------------------------
-- init :: [a] -> [a]
-- init :: [String] -> [String]
on init(xs)
set blnString to class of xs = string
set lng to length of xs
if lng > 1 then
if blnString then
text 1 thru -2 of xs
items 1 thru -2 of xs
end if
else if lng > 0 then
if blnString then
end if
missing value
end if
end init
-- intercalate :: String -> [String] -> String
on intercalate(delim, xs)
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
{my text item delimiters, delim}
set str to xs as text
set my text item delimiters to dlm
end intercalate
-- splitOn :: String -> String -> [String]
on splitOn(pat, src)
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
{my text item delimiters, pat}
set xs to text items of src
set my text item delimiters to dlm
return xs
end splitOn
tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5"
set _document to front document
set _path to path of _document
-- Get filename without extension
tell application "Finder"
set {_filename, _extension, _ishidden} to the ¬
{displayed name, name extension, extension hidden} ¬
of ((the _path as POSIX file) as alias)
end tell
if (_extension ≠ missing value) then
set baseName to text 1 thru -((length of _extension) + 2) of _filename
end if
end tell
“path of front document” returns the POSIX path of a file, which is just a plain string. To be able to get information on an item the Finder will want an alias reference to the file in question. When you pass a plain string it gets an error because a plain string won’t have those properties. To get an alias, you need to coerce the plain path first to a POSIX file and then coerce the POSIX file to an alias.
Unless you have defined these variables elsewhere, you need to remove the underscores in { displayed_name , name_extension , extension_hidden }. When you look at the “compiled” code with those underscores left in, it looks like in the following image:
So, the AppleScript is interpreting displayed_name to be a variable, not a property. Now, that’s fine if you’ve defined those variables elsewhere, such as at the top of your script in properties. But if not, you need to remove the underscores, as the property names of Finder items don’t have underscores in them. When you remove the underscores, the coloring appears correct (properties are purple with the variables being green).
Note that that still won’t give you the filename without an extension. To get that, you’d need to do something like I did in the added line using text n thru m
if (_extension ≠ missing value) then
set baseName to text 1 thru -((length of _extension) + 2) of _filename
end if