How to Guide - Create your own custom [unsupported] Themes for OmniFocus 2 [no longer needed in v2.5]

Is this preference still in the works, there are some big things I enjoy about OmniFocus 2 but the columns (view bar command+shift+v in OF1 not the same function for that command in OF2) and custom colors are the main thing keeping me working in OF1 95% of the time.

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It would be nice if we could set background color and boldness on actions, not just title color.

We’ll be posting test builds of OmniFocus 2.5 later today, which adds a Style Preference Pane where you can choose between built-in font and color collections or import and export your own. Some of the built-in choices include using the system font (San Francisco looks great on 10.11) and using a dark color palette.

Just wanted to give you all an early heads-up about the change, since the unsupported mechanism documented in this thread will stop working in 2.5 since there’s now a supported way to make these changes instead!

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Ken, will be the URL the same for test builds as before?

Yep! And it’s available now. I’ve posted a screenshot (and a link to an unsupported color editing app) over at the announcement thread:


Is there going to be some sort of repository for themes/styles that users create? is there anywhere to download styles now? Thanks! Loving this new dark theme with colors and small font sizes. Looks great!