How to sync select OF tasks with Mac Calendar?

I’m using OmniFocus 2.10 (v113.13 r289257) since I can update any further given my hardware. I’ve set up subscription for my MacOS Calendar (i.e., “OmniFocus Reminders”).

Instead of syncing everything over from OmniFocus to Calendar, is it possible to just sync just select OmniFocus tasks in Calendar?

If so, how it possible to do this?


I believe it’s possible to drag OF tasks into Fantastical and have it create items with the appropriate date. It might even put the url of the task in the item.

But it’s not “synced”, changes to the task aren’t reflected in the calendar.

This is from memory - I haven’t tried this for quite some time and I’m away from my Mac at the moment.

You can drag OmniFocus actions, action groups, projects, and tags into Fantastical to create an appointment that references the dragged item (i.e. includes a link back to that item). If the action, action group, or project has an estimated time, Fantastical will use this value for the length of the event. If not, the default appointment length is assumed.

On a side note, this also works with Apple’s Calendar app and BusyCal. Though these apps don’t currently do anything with the Estimated Duration field.

Thanks very much for this @timstringer and @psidnell… Appreciate your help!

Quick follow up questions… (1) when you say…

So, in order to do that, I’d just grab individual tasks, and drag them onto the Calendar icon – or should it be dragged on the actual Calendar date? Thanks!

Also, I haven’t yet invested in Fantastical or BusyCal. Just wondering which one users prefer and why…esp. when using it in tandem with OF.

Thanks again!

You’re very welcome!

So, in order to do that, I’d just grab individual tasks, and drag them onto the Calendar icon – or should it be dragged on the actual Calendar date? Thanks!

You can drag the OmniFocus item (action, action group, project, or tag) directly onto the calendar when it’s in Day or Week view. I find this very helpful to time-blocking time for specific activities.

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