hi anne
here’s the thing. i’m a thinking kind of person, and i focus on things that are important to me (same as everyone right ; )
i have devices and computers all over the place, and when i get an idea for one of my projects i want to capture it in the project first time, so i’m not copy-pasting for hours later aggregating all my inboxes and wondering if i’ve forgotten something.
i don’t remember to quit OO or close my main OO file - in fact i don’t want to because when i want to write in it i want to do so quickly.
i love omni, have for many years - even though there are things that have irritated me for almost as long! (sharing todos in OF, hello? true mindmapping in OG, hello? omnisuite interaction between all omni apps, from mindmapping to outlining to project management to individual tasks and any combination thereof, hello?) - and i’ve just made an edit in workflowy (workflowy.com) on my iphone, and the open file on my mac updated itself 4 seconds later (i timed it). the round trip works the same the other way round, without me having to save or do anything at all. that’s what i’m talking about!
omnipresence works for discrete files, but it doesn’t have version history like dropbox, and it doesn’t update open files live like workflowy does.
at the moment, i have to open screen sharing so i can see on either of my macs if my OO file is open, then close it, then write what i was going to write, then save the file.
it’s a luxury problem, but it’s a problem - i can’t be confident my data is going to be safe without jiggering about analysing sync versions, so it’s not a trusted system, and the small amount of friction of having to check if i’m overwriting anything is - sad to say, but explainable by behavioural psychology - decisive : (
please pass on my request for live autoupdate across devices wonderfulness in omnipresence.